JUMP TOCogni/statusCheck if the service is running and on what versionget/openapiGets the OpenAPI specificationget/healthRetrieve health information for serviceget/profileGet the profile document of the serverget/Get the WebID of the serverget/.well-known/jwks.jsonRetrieve the public keys of the serverget/.well-known/openid-configurationOIDC Configurationget/users/{url-encoded-webid-or-email}putput/otp/validateValidate an OTPget/oauth/authorizeOAuth Authorizationget/patch/decideDecide on a patch requestget/oauth/clientClient credentials - Legacypost/passwordless/email/sendSend a login email to a userpostuse.id Distri/Check if the service is runningget/openapiGets the OpenAPI specificationget/healthRetrieve health information for serviceget/resourceCreate a new piece of datapost/resourcesGet a list of resources you have access toget/{data-piece-id}'Get a specific piece of dataget/accessGet an overview of who has access to whatgetAdd or remove access from a set of resourcespatch/types/{url-encoded-uri}putput/subjects/{url-encoded-uri}putputPowered by Check if the service is runningget https://example.com/