DNS Settings for Custom Domains

Before you can actually use your app's WebID, you need to configure your domain's DNS settings so that requests are properly redirected. What domains you need to configure depends on what components you will be using. If you are unsure about which products you will be using, ask your Digita representative.

Please find below the DNS configuration for all use.id's products.

WebID for your appwebid.my-move.app CNAME useid-customer.com
Backend-as-a-serviceconnect.abc-banking.com CNAME useid-uss-connect.com
USS Orchi
Whitelabel Management API
api.company.com CNAME useid-uss-api.com
USS Regi
Whitelabel WebID Registry
company.com CNAME useid-uss-webid.com
USS Cogni
Whitelabel IDP
login.company.com CNAME useid-uss-iam.com
USS Distri
Whitelabel Storage/API Gateway
storage.company.com CNAME useid-uss-storage.com