2023 03 06 - Version 1.14.0
almost 2 years ago by Tom Haegemans
New features
- use.id Connect:
POST /access-request
Since now, you can create access requests on use.id Connect using this endpoint. This endpoint will generate an access request for the data that you've chosen and return the signed access request. - use.id Connect:
GET /access-grant/redirect
This endpoint can be used to present a signed access grant back to use.id Connect. When called, the user is redirected back to the application. - use.id Connect:
POST /token
This endpoint can be used after a successful authorization and access request to get a token with the WebID of the user and the WebID of the app.
Minor changes
- use.id Connect: Provided an additional query parameter to the redirect URI:
- use.id Connect: Made UMA ticket parsing more robust
- use.id USS IAM: Changed several fields in the identity tokens: changed 'at+jwt' to 'jwt' and updated the audience claim.